出生於台北市。畢業於美國寇爾本音樂院預科部、美國琵琶蒂音樂院。於2019年考取美國耶魯大學攻讀音樂碩士,曾先後師事杜君慧、蔡蕙澭、張吟旻、李美文教授、以裔美籍鋼琴家Ory Shihor、鋼琴家Myong-joo Lee,現師從俄國名師Boris Slutsky。 2015年獲Virginia Waring International Piano Competition首獎及John Bayless Performance Prize,並受邀於隔年舉辦獨奏會。2016年參加San Jose International Piano Competition獲卓越演奏特別獎。2018年獲Winter Harrison Piano Concerto Competition第二名。2019年參加中國大運河國際鋼琴藝術節暨朗朗杯鋼琴大賽獲第三名並於同年於受邀於杭州舉辦獨奏會。 馮乙宸也活躍地參與世界各地的音樂營和大師班,如Oxford Piano Festival、Art of the piano、The Banff Centre - Piano Master Class以及Chautauqua Institution等,並接受知名音樂家陳毓襄、安寧、Alexander Kobrin、Alexander Gavrylyuk、Awadagin Pratt、James Giles、Jean-Yves Thibaudet、John Perry、Matti Raekallio、Yoshikazu Nagai等大師指導。
Yi Chen Feng began piano studies at age 7 in Taiwan. Feng is currently a first-year master student at the Yale School of Music where he studies with Boris Slutsky. Feng has previously studied with Ory Shihor, Myong-Joo Lee, Mei-Wen Lee and Yin-Min Chang. Festival appearances include the Chautauqua Institution, Banff Centre, Art of the Piano, Colburn Piano Festival and Oxford Philomusica Piano Festival. In 2015, Feng won first prize and the John Payless Performance prize at the Virginia Waring International Piano Competition. In 2016 he won the honorable mention at the San Jose International Piano competition in the advanced category as the youngest contestant. In 2018, Feng won the second prize in the Harrison Winter Piano Competition as well as the second prize in the Chautauqua Solo Piano Competition. In 2019, Feng won the third prize in the Grand Canal International Piano Art Festival and Lang Lang Piano Competition.
複賽Second Round:
C. Debussy: Etude, No. 11 "Pour les arpèges composés" F. Schubert: Fantasie in C major, D.760
決賽Final Round:
P. I. Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat Minor, Op. 23