出生於1996年的韓籍鋼琴家,2011年時在韓國舉行首場獨奏會。2012年,他曾在韓國李斯特大賽中榮獲首獎,同年在莫斯科國際蕭邦青年鋼琴家大賽榮獲第三名。之後,他與韓國室內樂團合作演出,並贏得了2013年亞洲蕭邦大賽和2014年庫柏國際鋼琴大賽。2015年,他在漢城Yamaha音樂廳舉行獨奏會,因為他贏得了Yamaha所舉辦的全國性音樂比賽。2016年,他榮獲雪梨國際鋼琴大賽最佳表演獎和韓國尹伊桑鋼琴大賽第二名,Seong yong park 特別獎,其隸屬於京畿道青年藝術家,並且和京城愛樂樂團合作演出。2017年,他與仁川愛樂樂團合作演出。目前,他積極參與各種演出,並在延世大學追隨Kim Young-ho教授學習。
Born in 1996, Korean pianist Gyu Tae Ha gave his homeland's recital debut performance in 2011 as the winner of the Korean Liszt society competition in 2012, 3rd prize winner of 2012 Moscow international Chopin competition for Young Pianists. He then accompanied performance with Korean chamber orchestra and won 2013 International Chopin Competition in ASIA and 2014 Cooper International Competition. In 2015 He has the recital at the Yamaha concert hall in Seoul because he won Yamaha music scholarship holder for national competition. In 2016 he won Sydney Competition Best Performance of an Australian Piece prize and Isang yun competition 2nd prize , Seong yong park special prize and also affiliation gyeonggi young artist and accompanied performance gyeonggi philharmonic orchestra. In 2017 he accompanied performance Incheon Philharmonic Orchestra Currently, he is engaged in a variety of performances and is studying Professor Kim Young-ho at Yonsei University.
複賽Second Round:
J. Haydn: Keyboard Sonata in B minor, Hob.XVI:32 A. Scriabin: Etude, Op. 8, No. 12 F. Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No. 1, S. 514 F. Chopin: Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53
決賽Final Round: F. Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11